Catholic Care supports new refugee families to settle in Australia

Oct 22, 2024
A Blue Mountains-based refugee family are greeted by local sponsors on arrival to Sydney. Image: Supplied.

Three refugee families – including a large family of six – are receiving vital settlement and integration support in Australia, with many more are receiving advocacy support, as part of a holistic refugee settlement and support program being delivered by Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains (Catholic Care WSBM). 

Catholic Care’s refugee settlement program aims to integrate refugees who do not have any family links in Australia, or who have been referred to Australia by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).  

Rita Hakkoum, a community outreach worker at Catholic Care WSBM said the program helps refugees settle into life in Australia for 12 months from their date of arrival. Supports include providing initial accommodation, local orientation and transport, English-speaking classes, sewing classes, administrative support and more. 

“The program offers a way to demonstrate love to our new neighbours, to show our solidarity with the marginalised and suffering, and welcome strangers as new friends,” Rita said. 

“It helps refugees successfully integrate into their new communities and foster positive connections with locals.”  

“We supported one of the families to send their young adult daughter to TAFE, where she studied English,” she said. 

Catholic Care WSBM’s program is being delivered in partnership with the Australian Government’s $8.6 million Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot (CRISP): an initiative that aims to achieve optimal settlement outcomes for a total of 1500 refugee visa holders by 30 June 2025.  

Around 80 per cent of new arrivals through Catholic Care WSBM’s program are families, followed by single adults (16 per cent) and couples (4 per cent).  

Help with heart 

Rita said the program relies on the participation of the community, and at least five participants are needed to register a group to sponsor refugees under the program. 

“We screen and train local groups, such as parishes and community groups, to provide practical support to refugees in the Diocese of Parramatta,” Rita said. 

Rita said many parishioners and missionary people within the Diocese of Parramatta have registered their interest and are supporting the program. This includes a parish group in Marayong and a community group in Katoomba. 

“We’re very thankful to the participants for their ongoing support, as they make contributions large and small to help new refugee families settle in the local area,” Rita said. 

Support after settlement 

Catholic Care WSBM continues to support sponsored refugees following the 12-month program. 

“We stay in touch with the families,” Rita said. 

“There is a family who now lives outside the Diocese that we remain connected with, and they are like an extension of our family,” she said. 

Get involved 

Catholic Care WSBM is always seeking volunteers to register their interest in the program, and Rita holds regular information sessions at the request of parishes and groups to share program information and encourage community participation. 

“Supporting this program is a great way to bring a parish together,” Rita said. 

Volunteer community groups need to be willing to support a refugee to settle into Australia and begin a new life after the hardships and mistreatment they have endured.  

Rita said the level of support can be large or small. 

“Support can range from offering local orientation and travel, sourcing donations for essential items for living, providing temporary accommodation, assisting with employment, financial paperwork and school enrolments, providing social and emotional support, and more.” 

Participants will need to undergo National Criminal History (Australian Federal Police) and Working with Children checks. 

Rita said the pay-off is well worth the effort and it is a fantastic way to support those in need in your local community. 

“It’s such a great way to show care for others in the community, and our team is always available to step in and help you every step of the way,” she said. 

Find out more 

If you’d like to know more, register a group, or would like to organise an information session with your parish or community group, please contact Rita at Catholic Care. 

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