Holly describes her experience with motherhood as ‘bittersweet.’ She had her first two children very young, in a relationship marked by abuse. For their stability and safety, they were placed in foster care resulting in trauma, anxiety, and loss of confidence for Holly.
“It was the hardest, and saddest time of my life, loving and wanting them so much, but having to do what was best for them, was very difficult.”
It took a kind heart, a listening ear, and a reliable shoulder for Holly to recover, capable of parenting with confidence, joy, and stability. A heartwarming transformation made possible by the practical and emotional parenting support she received from Catholic Care’s Project Elizabeth, with help from generous people like you.
Holly is happier and a more confident mum to her third child Levi:
“I love watching Levi grow. Her everyday development makes me think, ‘She’s such a good little girl – and I did that’.”
Thank you for strengthening dignity for struggling mums in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, through your gift to Catholic Care’s Project Elizabeth.
Very Rev Luis Fernado Montano Rodriguez
Vicar General, Episcopal Vicar for Social Welfare and Catholic Care Advisory Council Member
*Images have been changed for privacy protection.