Frequently Asked Questions
Got a burning question? We’re here to help.
Browse the questions below, or contact us for a chat today.
Got a burning question? We’re here to help.
Browse the questions below, or contact us for a chat today.
FAQs - See below
Is Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains a not-for-profit charity?
Catholic Care is the business name and agency of The Trustee for The Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Parramatta, which is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) with DGR (deductible gift recipient) status.
Do I need to be a Catholic to use Catholic Care’s services?
No, we are inclusive and welcoming, striving to help those in need, regardless of religious beliefs.
Am I eligible for Catholic Care’s services and programs?
If you live in the Diocese of Parramatta region of Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, you may be eligible for Catholic Care’s services and programs.
Eligibility depends on factors such as income level, household size, health conditions, refugee status, social challenges, and other criteria specific to each program.
If you’re:
We encourage you to contact us today for a free, confidential chat with our friendly and professional staff.
Can I receive assistance if I am an immigrant or refugee?
Yes, we offer support to immigrants, refugees, and other individuals with legal residency status. Many of our programs do not require Australian citizenship, and we are here to help you navigate any challenges you may face in accessing services.
Do you offer translation services?
Unfortunately, we do not personally offer translation services, but we encourage you to call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 to access an immediate phone interpreter.
Can I get help if I’m unemployed?
Yes, we provide support to individuals regardless of employment status. Many of our programs, including food and vouchers assistance, housing, counselling and family services, are designed to assist people in challenging situations, including those who are unemployed or facing financial hardships.
Can I receive multiple services at once?
Yes, in many cases, individuals are eligible for multiple services simultaneously, as we take a holistic approach to care. For example, you may qualify for food assistance, housing support, and wellbeing services at the same time. Our team can help you navigate the different programs available to you.
Can I volunteer or donate?
We welcome partners, volunteers and donations to support our mission.
To volunteer, please visit our Volunteer page to sign up and learn about available opportunities. If you would like to donate, please visit our Donation page for instructions on how to contribute financially or donate goods.
Do you supply food vouchers?
Yes, we supply food and grocery vouchers in partnership with organisations like OzHarvest and Vinnies. Please contact us to find out more.
Do you provide counselling after hours?
Unfortunately we don’t provide after-hours support, but you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 for crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Do you provide online and phone counselling?
Yes! Contact us today to find out how we can support you with free and confidential counselling services via in-person, online and over the phone.
Do you provide drug and alcohol counselling?
Unfortunately, we do not provide drug and alcohol counselling.
We suggest you contact:
Do you provide rental payment support?
Catholic Care does not provide financial payments, but we have partnerships with local housing providers and can support you to find affordable rental housing, on a priority basis.
Can you help my child with their behavioural problems?
Yes, we offer a range of family and children’s services, including workshops for children and parents.
Do you provide aged care and/or disability services?
Unfortunately, we no longer provide aged care and disability services.
As the majority of Catholic Care’s funding comes from the government, we have had to work within those constraints, including aged care and disability reforms, increasing compliance requirements and access to aged care and disability clinical expertise, and as such we have realigned our priorities as set out in our Strategy 2024-2027.
How do I give feedback?
You can provide us with feedback by emailing [email protected]
Alternatively, you can contact us.