New supported playgroup for families

Dec 31, 2024
Child at a playgroup with paint on his hands. Image: Pixabay.

Child at a playgroup with paint on his hands. Image: Pixabay.

Our new Supported Playgroup program began in January 2024 at Mamre House and Farm in Orchard Hills to provide a space where families could come together in a safe and stimulating environment.

The playgroups operate in partnership with Playgroup NSW across various locations including Mamre House and Farm, and aim to reduce social isolation, enhance parents, carers and children’s relationships in a supportive environment, while also increasing their skills and confidence.

Creche Coordinator Iolanda Martino said the playgroups provide a space for children to participate in and enjoy new activities in a stimulating environment.

“It allows children to develop social skills at their own pace, building children’s emotional confidence, encouraging physical activity, supporting children’s imagination and creativity, and learning through role play.”

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